PVP Battle and Staking
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A new feature have landed on Slimes You can now claim a dungeon core and earn daily rewards from protecting the core.
Controlling a core is risk free
Attacking a core is risk free
Defending a core is risk free
Staking on core is risk free but 10% of it will be locked permanently
Daily earnings are received daily on UTC 0:00.
The calculation : (Your total stake + Treasury) x APR / (365 x 100)
managing core
Each dungeon have their own set of Minimum and Maximum APR they can achieve.
How to calculate daily earnings from APR
Daily Earnings % = Current APR / 365
APR increases daily on UTC 0:00 if you reached the minimum staking amount on the total staking amount.
The amount of minimum stake needed is not shown.
You will lose your progress if you lose the dungeon core.
Each dungeon core have their own maximum staking limit.
Every time you stake, 10% of your stake will be locked permanently in the core Treasury
Un-staking is free, so feel free to un-stake at any time
The Treasury
is a bonus modifier that everyone defending the core gets.
If there's 1mil $BTON in the treasury and you staked 100,000 $BTON, your daily earnings will be calculated like you have staked 1.1mil $BTON
Enemy cannot steal your stakes or your treasury content. But they will be able to claim the core and benefit from the treasury you have built.
Nothing will happen, and you don't lose anything
Your slime will be unable to do anything in the dungeon until the next day have arrived.
You and your defender stakes will be returned to you.
Treasury will be damaged and lose 10% of its treasure.
APR will be reset
Core will be named as Broken Core
Every time you press the attack button, 1 round of exchange is calculated.
Your slime attacks the defender, and the defender retaliate on your slime.
Your slime will do a RNG DMG of 80%~120% of your attack stat.
Slime have 10% chance to do a CRITICAL which is an extra 50% damage
Slime have 70% chance to land a hit on each turn
If your slime DEF is 2x enemy ATK, your slime will be able to reduce 90% of the DMG. (10% DMG will always pierce your armor)
If your slime DEF is significantly lower then enemy ATK, your DMG will scale down to a minimum of 10% of the total possible DMG.
If your slime total stats is equal or more then enemy total stats, your damage will have the full 100% DMG output
While if your total stats is lower, your DMG output will scale down to 20% of maximum possible DMG output.
Battle tl;dr
DEF only reduce damage and its based on your opponent ATK
Having more stats is important
High DEF = TANK (but enemy can overcome it with high ATK)
Higher stats + most of it in HP (high HP) = SUPER TANK